The Magnetic Taste of Maya Dals

The Magnetic Taste of Maya Dals

Jun 09, 2024

We recently took a trip over to Bali, Indonesia for some business and some leisure. Whilst we were over there, we reconnected with the talented Maya Dals Andrusiv.

 Tune in as we share an insight into a day on the island in Maya’s Neighbourhood.


To informally introduce you, have you got any nicknames?

Ohhh for friends who've known me for a long time my mum used to / still calls me Dzidzi ( like gigi) it means baby in Polish.

Also one that maybe has caught on from my husband he calls me Kubuś -- Kubus Puchatek is Winnie the Pooh in Polish.

How would your friends describe you?

Owh, this is hard, grumpy? I think honest, motherly (well dressed haha).

Star sign?




Where do you currently live, and who with?

I'm currently living in Bali with my husband and our 7 dogs, 2 cats and a chicken.

Have you been there most of your life?

I spent most of life in Melbourne where I'm from originally.

We adore the world of Neighbourhood you have created. Tell us a little bit about it.

 in general I just wanted to create a space for people to gather and enjoy really good food and drinks and have a good time.




How did you go about styling the 2 restaurants?

It's difficult, I change my mind and get over ideas so often, I feel like it's all chaotic ideas and we just marry them together and hope it works!

I know when I've described my concepts to friends in the past they've kind of just said "I'm sure it will look great in the end" with a lot of apprehension haha.

We are very hands on —  I'm lucky my husband is an artist so we treat putting things together in the venues like a giant art project.


What is your go to comfort meal?

This is so hard, maybe soup? like a chicken soup?!

What do you get up to when you’re not at work?

Beach with the dogs, training / exercise), cooking, seeing friends.

What are your daily rituals?

A short meditation, gratitude practice, exercise and matcha. I'm a morning person so unless I'm extremely rushed this is how I need to start my day in a good mood.

What are you currently reading?

Just finished a short book tales of Dune.

How would you describe your personal style?

Oh dear, some kind of mix of everything oversized, black, school girl.

How do you go approach getting dressed?

Every day is a different day, depending on how I feel or what I need to do at work usually determines this.

Favourite items in your wardrobe?

Oh this is hard, probably this amazing asymmetric Commes Des Garcon waistcoat top, Fidan Novruzova boots, leather jorts.
















What helps you when you’re lacking in creative inspiration?


Something you can’t live without?

My morning ritual.





How do you feel when you wear your Après pieces?

Like a princess.

What are you currently obsessed with listening to?

My music taste changes depending on my mood. I have made a playlist of some songs I can consistently listen to no matter how I am feeling.

Listen HERE.


       Thankyou Maya


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